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Get free new books every time? Let's find out about book review groups.

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Publishing houses are promoting new books by getting high-quality book reviews through book review group activities.
  • Yes24 Reviewer Club, Naver Cafe Culturebloom, Culture Charge 200%, etc. are recruiting book review groups.
  • Book review group activities are an opportunity for book lovers to introduce new books and enjoy a richer reading life.

You might be surprised to learn that many people don't know about the benefits of book review groups.
Publishing houses are working hard to market their new releases in order to get the word out about them. One of the most effective marketing methods is book review group activities. Why? Because the people who sign up for book review groups are the ones who really love books, true book enthusiasts. It's rare to find a book lover who doesn't also have good writing skills. Therefore, through book review groups, you can get high-quality book reviews published in advance on online bookstores, cafes, blogs, and social media.
Some publishers even create their own supporter groups to provide support for their activities. These supporter groups are recruited irregularly and have slightly more stringent selection criteria, making them difficult for the general public to participate in. If you're interested, you could try book review group activities first and then expand your activities to include supporter group activities.
Here are a few good places to get started with book review group activities. 

The first place we'll introduce is the Yes24 Reviewer Club.
This place has daily posts (weekdays) looking for reviewers for 3-10 new books.
The new books that are posted are interesting and worth trying out, so they make you want to participate even more. The barrier to entry is very low, so anyone who is a Yes24 member + has a Yes24 blog can apply by leaving a comment. 
The requirements are to receive the book, read it as soon as possible, and then post a review on your Yes24 blog. Before you apply, be sure to check that your address and contact information are up-to-date in your member information. If there are errors in your address or other information, you could lose your chance to win. ㅠㅠ  Compared to the other Naver book review cafes mentioned below, it's much easier to participate, which is very attractive. 

Next up, we'll introduce Culturebloom, a Naver cafe.
This place allows for various challenges through book reviews as well as other types of experience groups. Movies, plays, local restaurants, beauty salons, and parenting and education events are constantly held. Once you join and increase your level and follow the application requirements for the book review group, your chances of winning are quite high.
However, there are many ghost members and in order to prevent people from not keeping their book review promises, the application requirements are a bit more stringent. So if this is your first time trying, be sure to read the explanation carefully below!

This board is for book review groups only. If you click on any book, you'll find detailed instructions on how to apply for the book review group and other important information at the top of the board, linked in detail. What's important is that *Culturebloom events require a first greeting & attendance check before applying*. *Only those who agree to use personal information (name and contact information) can apply!!* 
Also, at the bottom of the recruitment post, you'll find the "Book Review Group Application Mission" and "Book Review Group Feedback Mission." Please read the important information carefully and proceed accordingly. 
Well, there's one last place I'd like to recommend.
Similar to Culturebloom, you can apply for experience groups – 200% Culture Charge.

Culture Charge 200% (People who love culture): Naver Cafe
Promotion Cafe specializing in promotion, events, experience groups, review groups, promotional groups, and crowd gathering

In this place, you can find the book review event menu and check for book review group recruitment posts. 

Click on the book to see detailed application instructions below. 

There are many other cafes on Naver that recruit book review groups! If you search the cafe by keywords such as "book review," you can find other places. The reason I recommend these two places is because they have relatively relaxed membership requirements and seem to have a high win rate. ㅎㅎ!
I hope you can enjoy a richer reading life by writing reviews and receiving new books.
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